Gunther Wennemuth
Our lab has a broad spectrum in questions concerning reproductive biology and immunology. We investigate Ion- and proton channels as crucial molecules enabling sperm to regulate all of their key functions like motility, hyperactivation or sperm-egg communication.
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Latest publications
Sheikh, A, Ganguli, D, Vickers, TJ, Singer, BB, Foulke-Abel, J, Akhtar, M, Khatoon, N, Setu, B, Basu, S, Harro, C et al. (2024). Host-derived CEACAM-laden vesicles engage enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli for elimination and toxin neutralization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A121,e2410679121.
Konieva, A, Deineka, V, Diedkova, K, Aguilar-Ferrer, D, Lyndin, M, Wennemuth, G, Korniienko, V, Kyrylenko, S, Lihachev, A, Zahorodna, V et al. (2024). MXene-Polydopamine-antiCEACAM1 Antibody Complex as a Strategy for Targeted Ablation of Melanoma. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces16,43302-43316.
Chen, J, Lin, X, Bhattacharya, S, Wiesehöfer, C, Wennemuth, G, Müller, K, Montag, D (2023). Neuroplastin Expression in Male Mice Is Essential for Fertility, Mating, and Adult Testosterone Levels. Int J Mol Sci25,.
Kube-Golovin, I, Lyndin, M, Wiesehöfer, M, Wennemuth, G (2023). CEACAM expression in an in-vitro prostatitis model. Front Immunol14,1236343.
Czyrnik, ED, Wiesehöfer, M, Dankert, JT, Wach, S, Wagner, M, Spahn, M, Kruithof de Julio, M, Wennemuth, G (2023). Stromal-epithelial interaction induces GALNT14 in prostate carcinoma cells. Front Oncol13,1212585.
Corsaro, D, Müller, KD, Mosel, F, Jastrow, H, Walochnik, J, Michel, R (2023). On predatory fungi feeding on free-living amoebae harbouring yeast-like endoparasites. Parasitol Res122,2385-2392.
Catton, EA, Bonsor, DA, Herrera, C, Stålhammar-Carlemalm, M, Lyndin, M, Turner, CE, Soden, J, van Strijp, JAG, Singer, BB, van Sorge, NM et al. (2023). Author Correction: Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis. Nat Commun14,2675.
Muturi, HT, Ghadieh, HE, Abdolahipour, R, Stankus, HL, Belew, GD, Liu, JK, Jahromi, MS, Lee, AD, Singer, BB, Angeli-Pahim, I et al. (2023). Loss of CEACAM1 in endothelial cells causes hepatic fibrosis. Metabolism144,155562.
Catton, EA, Bonsor, DA, Herrera, C, Stålhammar-Carlemalm, M, Lyndin, M, Turner, CE, Soden, J, van Strijp, JAG, Singer, BB, van Sorge, NM et al. (2023). Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis. Nat Commun14,2275.
Platt, F, Moyer, J, Singer, BB, Baston-Büst, D, Wennemuth, G, Bielfeld, AP, Grümmer, R (2023). Forskolin versus cAMP-Induced Decidualization and Survival of Endometrial Stromal Cells of Endometriosis Patients. Reprod Sci30,2680-2691.
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